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You have unique gifts and talents just waiting to come out...

You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't. And when use those gifts and talents to create a career you love, your work shines brighter, and so do YOU! ...and the world needs more people who shine. 

Imagine if...

  • You could wake up on Monday morning feeling genuinely excited to start your day

  • You could have a career that feels aligned to who you are, where your natural gifts and talents are used daily and intensely valued

  • You could find your career purpose, and build a life that's fun and fulfilling, where you get to do meaningful work, and live the lifestyle you've always wanted

  • You actually could have it all - a job you love, AND the paycheck you deserve!


...And what if you could do it all years faster than you would on your own, without the sleepless nights of worrying, and have fun along the way?

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Does this sound like you?


- Ashely, USA. "I spent my entire life thinking that I was not good at anything and had no talents, but after working with Mabel I learned I have soooo many talents that can be transferred into a career!"

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Hey There, I'm Mabel

I’m the creator of the Career Compass Method, and I know what it feels like to be trapped in a job you hate with no idea where to go.


4 years ago I was stuck in a job that wasn’t me and left me feeling unfulfilled and unimportant. I’d worked hard my whole life - went to college, got a degree, and got a good job, but I’d never found my “passion” and things just didn’t feel right. After one very boring day, I decided something needed to change. So I stopped trying to follow the path everyone told me I should be on, and I started learning about myself! I got curious about what energized me, started reading like a madwoman, and decided to explore my passions and travel.


4 months later, after quitting my job and while on a 32-hour bus ride to Ukraine, I realized I was meant to be a coach! But I also realized that “how to find your purpose, and have a meaningful, aligned, fulfilling career” is something we often never get taught in school, and I wanted to change that.


So I set out on a very determined mission to learn everything I could about people, careers, and what makes us fulfilled. I solo traveled to India to study purpose and fulfillment, I read, I studied career coaching, became certified as a Life Coach focusing on career transition with the Life Purpose Institute, worked with mindset and mindfulness coaches across the US, tested my method with clients across the world, and that is how The Career Compass Method was born!

Why I'm Different...

  • This program isn’t just about helping you land your next job, it’s a life transformation that helps you identify your core purpose, and gives you the direction and tools you need to never feel lost again!


  • You won’t find this method anywhere else. The Career Compass method is unique. It’s a holistic career method inspired by various schools of thought including Japanese Ikigai philosophy, Design Thinking, Life Coaching, and creative thinking.


  • You get to be 100% yourself - quirks included! This is a space where no idea is too weird or crazy, and your true personality is supported to shine!


  • I believe your personal life is important. That’s why we start by discovering who you are and what life you want, then find the career that fits within it, not the other way around!


  • I’m going to help you find your creative spark and think big!! There is a world of opportunities out there, and you have the power to explore them all!

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- Ashely, USA. "I spent my entire life thinking that I was not good at anything and had no talents, but after working with Mabel I learned I have soooo many talents that can be transferred into a career!"

Using a 6-Step Approach, You'll Learn:

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